07 September 2007

In which I shortly and sweetly loose patience with Little

By Griffster

So. Today's bonehead seventh inning mistake, letting the pitcher bat for himself and then yanking him pronto. ( As I write here Loney has already tied the game so this is not just a knee-jerk reaction ).

YESTERDAY'S bonehead mistake of letting the pitcher bat for himself and then getting into a knot.

I want a new manager.

I haven't been a Grady Little apologist. I have at most been a Grady Little tolerating person.

But right now, I'm just freakin' fed up sick and tired of Grady Little.

I want a manager with some life, I want a manager with some brains. Girardi or somebody who can manage young players, who can show that he cares a little about games, who can inspire players. No more of this tepid Grady Little nonsense.

Oh, there the Giants win. My rant about Little stands. Well done, Broxton.

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